
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog Candy Winner(s)

Hi everyone!  Today was the baby shower I was hosting at work and boy am I tired!  But I promised I would get on and draw winners, so here I am :)

The winner of the original prize for over 500 is #114 Elisha!  She said:
 Congratulations!! You are now at 600 followers. Very cool!! Can't wait to see more projects.
I will be contacting you at the email you left and send this out as soon as I can!

So since this candy started, I hit 600 followers!!  Thanks again everyone!  So I decided to draw another winner for some different candy.  I thought I would have had time to shop for all of it and let you know, but it was a busy week.  I do have one or two things, but this one will have to be a surprise!!  So the surprise prize :) goes to  # 79 IRW Dana!!  She said:
  Congrats on the followers. I check your blog regularly but now I'm a follower too. Thanks for the inspiration you share.
I also will be contacting you at the email you left and send it out after I finish shopping--LOL!

Thanks everyone for all your sweet comments and I'm sure I'll have some more giveaways soon!  And I'll get back some regular posting now that my big event is over :)



  1. Woohoo!! Thanks so much Helen!!

  2. Congratulations winners!! :) And way to go Helen!! :)

  3. Yippeee!! That's sooo awesome!! Congrats to you & the winners!! :D


  4. Congrats on all the followers Helen! Thanks for picking my name. WoooooHooooo I'm a winner! Thanks so very much

  5. Hey Helen, did you see that you won the big giveaway over at the Twinery! Congratulations! It is always fun to see someone you 'know' win!!! Hugs- Glora
